Saturday, March 28, 2009

Austin, Texas Hail Damage Report Follow -Up

This is a follow-up post to the Austin, Texas Hail Damage Report Confirmations post from the Thursday. It looks like the hail damage in and around the North side of Austin is both more wide spread and severe than it looked like at first. Here are a few videos of the actual hailstorm in Austin and right after it.

As you can see, this was a bad storm. I have talked to a couple of different guys that are on the ground in Austin and they tell me that there are a lot of hail damaged cars in the area and the body shops are getting packed in already. They tell me there is quite a bit of good, PDR repairable damage but there are also a lot of really hard hit vehicles that are going to be totaled.

That's what I know about the Austin, TX hail damage. I'll be making more posts today as I am able to confirm more of these other Texas and Louisiana hail damage reports.

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Awesome info !!

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