Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Hail Damage Confirmations

Piedmont and Black Hawk, South Dakota

It looks like the Black Hills of South Dakota got slammed again, this time Piedmont, SD seems to have gotten the worst of the hail damage from a widespread storm that moved through the entire area. The Rapid City Journal has a very comprehensive article with damage area detail here. Take the time to read the comments at the bottom of the article for an idea of the storm's fury.

Northeast Pennsylvania

It looks like all of the hail damage reports coming out of Pennsylvania are completely legitimate. I found confirmation from Jake's Blog of the storm damage in Jim Thorpe, PA as well as this link to a news story with a great slideshow of damage in Muncy, Palmerton and Hazelton, PA as well. I also came across this story that has general info about the storm.

The South Dakota stuff looks pretty bad but there may be some good work mixed in. The Pennsylvania hail looks like it should be mostly good work with some bad stuff mixed in.

Good luck! Hopefully this is a trend that will continue.

good hail in southeast pa. looking for chasers need 3 to 4 techs. A months worth of work. Call 484 612 3636 if interested.
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